Introducing the YouTube Live - Cubigo integration

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Introducing the YouTube Live - Cubigo integration

By Cubigo | 20 April 2020 | Video Product

Communities can now live stream directly from Cubigo to all their users' devices and to their in-house Channel through Cubigo's Apple TV Application. This ensures that all residents can be included in virtual activities that are organized: from chats with the ED and Town Halls to fitness sessions and sing-alongs. Whenever the LiveStream starts, it will go to all the TVs in residents’ rooms.

Organizing a virtual activity on Cubigo is done in 3 easy steps, with 3 simple ingredients: an Apple TV, an in-house TV Channel, and a verified YouTube Account. 

Watch the video to find out more!


The Cubigo team recognizes the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic, we understand how important your work is right now and want to help by providing you with pertinent information and the right tools. Discover the Cubigo Essential Package - to help you communicate effectively and maintain resident engagement. We encourage you to reach out to us individually or at